KinderCosplay at Comic-Con Prague

Are you going to Comic-Con Prague 2022 with a kid who is 12 years old or younger and wants to wear the costume of his favorite hero from a movie, series or game? Sign him up for the Kinder Cosplay Costume Show!

Give your kids a chance to show up in costume on stage in front of an audience and let them enjoy their first moments of fame before they become professional cosplayers.

Silvie "Draky" Šustrová will guide you through the program. Special guests will be cosplayer Lena Cosplay.

Every little participant will get a prize!

The promenade will take place during the Saturday program on April 6 at 1 pm in the E2 hall.

You can register your children either via the online form - registration until Friday, April 22 inclusive, or on-site - until Sunday, April 7, 1 p.m. at Cosplay Stage.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email